What year is this Amarillo? I am only asking because as much as I know it is 2024 there was something I received in the mail recently that made me question the year. Yes, I got something in the mail that should be a thing of the past. I mean there are so many newer ways to get the outcome some are hoping for.

I know that scams going around must somehow make someone, somewhere money. I am not really sure who these people are that are falling for these scams but there must be someone because they keep happening.

There are email scams, there are text scams. People try to scam you by making a phone call to you. There seem to be way too many scams happening via social media. So with all of this technology going around, how is this one still happening?

I went to my mailbox the other day and grabbed my mail. I opened up all the important stuff, or what might be important. That is when one letter stood out to me. It was from a law office. Or at least that was the name and address that they used.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

Other than that as I started reading it there was no doubt it was a scam. I mean I do wish somehow that ten million dollars was on the way to me but come on. I know better.

So why is it that in 2024 they have reverted to snail mail scams? I mean are they working? You do know that a letter like that costs paper, an envelope, and a stamp. I did do a search and there are a lot of people on Reddit that are talking about receiving this exact letter in the mail.

Darn, so I am not the only one.


This is a new one for me- received via snail mail
byu/ZekeLeap inScams

I really hope people are not falling for this. If you have received this in the mail I hope that you filed it in that big trash can nearby. I am just surprised that scammers are resorting back to old ways to scam us. Hopefully it is not working.

Oh The Ways Amarillo Has Changed Part One

A Trip Down Amarillo's Memory Lane

Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett

Oh The Ways Amarillo Has Changed Part Two

Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett