We surveyed an online audience with the question, "What Starts Out Cheap But Ends Up Expensive" and received a ton of answers, from hilarious, to hearbreaking.


I guess first off I’m going to acknowledge all of the wonderful contributors that we had online. This questions is certainly in the top 10 of all questions we’ve asked when it comes to response. The response return on this tells me that we certainly hit a chord with people and it feels really great to connect. Again, thank you for your responses, you guys are awesome.

Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay
Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

The Question

The question was, “What starts out cheap but ends up expensive?”  I’m going to go ahead and say that those who answered “life” are a little off base. “Life” actually starts off really expensive with the hospital bill you get after having a baby. That bill alone is a doozy!

An Example

My personal answer was also reflected here, and that’s going to a dollar store. I don’t think I’ve ever gone to a dollar store and ever spent close to a dollar. What traditionally happens is you start picking up dollar deals and before you know it, you’re $35 bucks in “dollars” deep into a bill. In fairness to dollar stores, it’s hard to resist that candy they sell for $6 at the theater when you see it for a dollar (oh, and I need a lint brush, and a screwdriver for sunglasses, and so on...)

The Answers

Due to the overwhelming amount of answers, you may see a few repeats here. We think that everyone who took the time to answer deserves to have their response displayed. I certainly hope if you see a friends name on this list you’ll give them a high five and maybe rib them about their answer. Also, we hope you’ll start answering too. You’ll find new questions every weekday on our station website, and you can preview and pre-answer questions by joining the RockShow RoadCrew.

What Starts Out Cheap But Ends Up Expensive?

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