The KICKS 105 Elfies are back!

We have teamed up once again with Truss & Son Plumbing to highlight your holiday photos...and give you the chance to win a $500 VISA gift card, which should come in very handy this time of the year.

What Is An Elfie?

Hmmm...that's a tough one. Just kidding- an Elfie is ANY picture related to the Christmas season.

Contributed Photo
Contributed Photo

It can be serious or silly, adorable or awful, glorious or gross—get the idea? It can be a picture of yourself, the kids, the pets, decorations, food, or anything with a holiday tie-in.

Contributed Photo
Contributed Photo

Hey, if you're going to go overboard for the holidays, you might as well win some money for it.

Win $500!!

Over the next several weeks, we will be showcasing the photos on our website. Toward the end of the promotion, we will highlight the finalists and then reveal the grand prize winner.

The grand prize winner of the Christmas Elfies Contest will receive a $500 VISA gift card, compliments of KICKS 105 and Truss & Son Plumbing.

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That's $500 to spend on Christmas shopping, groceries, gas, or 'go Griswold' and spend it on more holiday decorations.

How to Win

Just complete the registration form below and then submit your Elfie. You can submit as many Elfies as you would like, but only one Elfie is allowed per entry.

We will continue to accept Elfies through December 15. We will start featuring our finalists and grand prize winner on the week of December 16.

Here's a look at some of our Elfies from 2023.

Elfies 2023