
Common Water Issues and Answers
Kinetico Water Systems Addresses Your Common Water Issues
Water touches practically every room in your home. Its quality affects how your water tastes and smells, the food you cook, how your skin and hair feel and even how your appliances, fixtures and plumbing look and last...

Why is Kinetico Unique?
Water quality can no longer be taken for granted. Aging municipal water utilities struggle and often fail to meet federal quality standards. Our distribution infrastructure also faces the challenges of age and budget cuts. Once thought pristine, well water is also a source of concern since much groundwater has been contaminated by a variety of chemical and biological contaminants...

Premiere Cinemas – Moviegoing FAQs
Have some questions for the people at Premiere Cinemas? Here are some Frequently Asked Questions:
Can we eat and drink in the theatre?
Yes! If you order food or beverage you will be issued a pager which will go off when the waiter is delivering to the auditorium door...

Premiere Cinema Moviegoing Tips
Tips on How to Get the Most Out of Your Movie Going Experience:
Become a Premiere Insider at pccmovies.com.
Show up 30 minutes prior to movie showings by using the kiosk at either entrance of Premiere Cinemas.
Tickets can also be purchased at concession stand, so you dont have to wait in line any longer than needed...

Premiere Cinemas
"Premiere Cinemas is Lubbock's Ticket to the Stars!"
Founded: October 26, 2012
General Manager: Rudy
Hi, my name is Rudy and I am the GM at Premiere Cinemas! I have been in the theatre industry in Lubbock for the past 15 years. Premiere Cinemas is by far the most unique and advanced theatre industry that I have ever had the pleasure to work with

Larry’s Giant Subs History
The Raikes brothers built their first submarine sandwich shop in Jacksonville, Florida during 1982. Their first subs were designed using the best quality meats and cheeses available and topped off with produce that is delivered daily; like iceberg lettuce, vine ripe tomatoes and the finest Spanish onions...